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XuanYuan Sword Millennial Destiny

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XuanYuan Sword Millennial Destiny is the latest special version of Microsoft's Xbox 360 controller, with a white and blue model. The new model was announced today in a big Microsoft press event, and it will retail for $49.99.

The second Halo 4 Special Edition is scheduled to launch this week, and it will include an unannounced peripheral.

XuanYuan Sword Millennial Destiny

Microsoft also showed off an Xbox 360 wireless controller running a "Razer Off" edition, which can be picked up for $39.99.

This year, XuanYuan launches a new contest, called the 2013 Xbox Marketing Event, which is slated to take place in June.

XuanYuan's Xbox 360 controller, which comes in black, white, and red, is coming to store shelves this spring, Microsoft said in a blog post.

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