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Uru: Ages Beyond Myst

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Uru: Ages Beyond Myst is an adventure game set in an alternate history where the gods have invented their religion. The setting looks completely different from the Renaissance era that inspired it.

There are seven centuries of ancient history to explore and ten different groups of gods to battle. Each member of the gods will play a unique role, as well as a vital role in the player's quest. If you play through the game, you'll gain all your powers and eventually be able to take back the ancient sun and bring peace to the world. But there's also more to the game.

Uru starts out in a world where the humans - known as the Ogars - are the dominant power. They have created the Ogars. They are now the dominant power in the world, and so is the gods. They have created all seven Ogars as the dominant powers. Some have even adapted their souls to become the Ogars. To find them, you must try and help them. The Ogars are controlled by the Ogars.

GS: What's the story behind the gameplay and how will it play out?

KL: The game is a story-driven adventure. In the first mission, you must go up against the Ogars in a puzzle game. You have to help the Ogars escape the enemy's lair. Your goal is to discover the evil enemy's lair. Each of the Ogars has its own unique set of moves and special abilities.

GS: Tell us about the game's graphics. What features of the PlayStation 2 and Xbox versions will the game have?

KL: All platforms will have a good-looking game that features improved visuals.

GS: How will the game look on the PS2?

KL: The PlayStation 2 version has a nice visual makeover. The PS2 version is the best-looking version, thanks to its sharper textures and richer colors. All of the characters and environments are in true HD resolution. This should be welcome news to anyone who is used to other consoles and isn't too familiar with the platform.

GS: Will the game have any additional multiplayer modes?

KL: The PlayStation 2 version has two online multiplayer modes. The first mode is deathmatch. The second mode is king of the hill, which is a series of races. The final mode is capture the flag, where teams compete for the highest score. The final mode is king of the hill.

Uru: Ages Beyond Myst

GS: How is the online multiplayer going to work? How will the PS2 version handle voice chat and multiplayer modes?

KL: The PS2 version will have a multiplayer option, and both modes will support voice chat.

GS: What kind of competitive multiplayer features will the PS2 version have?

KL: Our multiplayer features include: leaderboards and leaderboards.

GS: What sort of head-to-head competition will the PS2 version have?

KL: Of course, the PS2 version will have four-player split-screen, but the PS2 will be able to do some online gaming. So we don't have any sort of patch for competitive games. We've already added a skill-based mode called "challenges," where you select one of four different achievements. You can then compare your rank against other players on the world rankings leaderboards, or you can choose your own challenge.

GS: How will the PlayStation 2's graphics be updated and enhanced for the PS2?

KL: We're really happy to be making sure we're getting the best graphics out of the PlayStation 2 hardware, and the new graphics are really taken advantage of. With each passing year, we're taking these leaps forward, and we've taken a look at a lot of areas that we'd like to improve. There's a great frame rate of 30fps in EyeToy Sports 2, which is really a testament to how amazingly well the technology is able to scale the high-quality animation and physics of the video. We've also added quite a few dynamic camera angles to the game, which make the whole experience richer and more impressive than what we've done previously.

GS: How much of the core game is going to be there?

KL: The game's sound, especially the high-quality new tracks, really blows us away. The game still has our overall track record for being great at delivering music and visuals, but it has been quite a bit of work to keep the music in the game. Obviously, we're looking at some extreme music for this game, but we are constantly looking at ways to improve the quality of the music. We have a full list of things we are looking at. Our team has been using all the hottest music at this point to further expand the sound. We've also got a bit of new licensed tracks that will be available as downloadable content.

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