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Urban Freestyle Soccer

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Urban Freestyle Soccer is the latest sports game from developer Codemasters, and it is available for download from the PlayStation Network and the Xbox Live Arcade. Players can choose from a wide variety of countries, and there are over 50 different formations to choose from.

Urban Freestyle Soccer

This soccer game will include 15 licensed stadiums, including a brand-new stadium from Great Britain. There are three distinct stadiums to choose from: a stadium in the capital of Wales, an area in the United Kingdom, a stadium in the Germany; and a large area in Italy that features multiple terrain. There is also a Championship mode, where players compete against CPU opponents in a series of 5-minute challenges. In addition, there are other gameplay modes such as challenge and tutorial.

Urban Freestyle Soccer will be available for download from the PSN on July 8 and XBLA on July 9.

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