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Stealth Combat

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Stealth Combat takes place in the titular nooks and crannies of Hong Kong, where a new Hong Kong-based nation named Qin Monogun was held as a secret business-gathering power. China is too strong to adopt such a move, but after warring clans emerge to regain control of their country, the US has been dissolved.

Stealth Combat begins with a few years in prison, with various clans being invited to the Hong Kong island where he spends his life waiting for his father's new approval. Stealth Combat, released in March, is set in Hong Kong as the game lets you control a tank, a jet, and an infantryman. The plot has you following the events that led up to the death of one of your major members.

Stealth Combat

Developed by Wanadoo, Stealth Combat uses the Unreal engine, the same technology that was used for the Silent Hunter series, as well as Serious Sam and the Duke Nukem games. You assume the role of a member of a 3D tactical combat team, and you can move around the battlefield using a virtual analog stick and the Xbox controller's analog stick. However, the game is played from a third-person perspective, and you can switch to first-person as you move around the battlefield.

Stealth Combat is at its best when you have a couple of squadmates to command.

As a part of a covert mission, you'll need to pick up items dropped by fallen foes. You can pick up a pair of binoculars that reveal hidden locations, which lets you spy in on enemies. You can also use the visor to disguise yourself as objects. In a pinch, you can see enemies by walking over them. The visor lets you see all the aforementioned threats, but you also have the ability to see enemies by looking at them from the visor and pressing the "use" button. And you can do a complete 180-degree turn to hide from enemies. You can also use the camera to zoom in and out, which lets you peek out through the scope. When on foot, you can use the right analog stick to aim, which is useful when you're in an open area. The left analog stick lets you zoom out, which lets you lean around corners. The right trigger will let you sprint, which is useful for getting through certain areas. The square button lets you use your binoculars. Finally, the Y button lets you change your visor mode, which lets you see your surroundings. While you may have a few different options available for exploring the environments, the most useful are your game's health. You'll start out in limited health packs that come in varying numbers when you're hit. You'll have to use them to recover your health if you run out of life. When you die, you'll have to return to the last save point you reclaimed and start over from scratch.

You'll find a solid assortment of weapons in the game. You'll find a Colt submachine gun, a Colt machine gun, and a Colt bow. As you play through the game, you'll earn experience points that will be used to unlock new outfits for your assorted weapons. The Colt machine gun is the go-to weapon for taking out cars and other vehicles. The Colt machine gun is an alternate-style heavy machine gun that shoots sticky shockers and will come in handy during your run. The Colt machine gun is a multipurpose weapon that's a bit slower but more powerful than its secondary-fire counterpart. Finally, the Colt machine gun is a unique weapon that fires a miniature thermal laser. You'll find eight different weapons in the game, each of which has its own strengths and weaknesses. While the Colt machine gun is pretty useful, the Colt machine gun is the heavy machine gun of the bunch.

The visuals in the game are looking sharp and feature a good amount of detail. The impressive lighting effects and shadows in the game are especially impressive and are complemented by some really nice effects that add to the cinematic nature of the game. The assorted vehicles you'll find on your travels will include buggies, motorcycles, trucks, and hovercrafts. You'll even see helicopters, which actually get more impressive during your run in the game. As far as the cars go, the game's graphics are looking pretty sharp and feature some neat effects that complement their insane action. The worlds you'll explore in the game feature some great detail and offer a good amount of variety. The special effects, which run the gamut from impressive to somewhat lackluster, are complemented by a solid assortment of effects that keep the game looking sharp.

Control in the game is tight and works well. You'll use the face buttons to move, and the triggers to shoot, jump, and interact with the game's assorted items. You'll perform all the expected moves with the analog stick, and the triggers will let you perform assorted combos.

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