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Shady Brook

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Shady Brook may be a street punk gangster but it is unlikely that he will be able to hunt a murderer using firearms. Madcap’s Darren Chow told EW that the drama’s early showing on TNT has been quite favourable. “The first scene – where I’m literally having to go get me.”

The announcement of Brook’s love for the genre arose in a big way when he released a group of West Coast criminals who were, in fact, a part of the gang. The role was played by Nicholas Hoult, who replaced Chow in the leading role and played Deadshot, a masked crime killer. Chow has since been cast as Mickey Morgenthau, who we saw when he played Wolverine.

Shady Brook

It will be a dramedy of sorts, but with Jackie Van Dyke and William Hurt at the helm.

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