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Secret Weapons Over Normandy

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Secret Weapons Over Normandy will be the second game based on The Normandy Company's popular World War II naval combat series. The game's campaign will combine aerial and ground battle action and a large variety of ship types to provide more than 60 different missions.

The game will feature a complex physics engine that will give you the ability to slow down time and go "live" or "live" on up to six separate storylines. Of course, the WWII battlefield will include all kinds of environments and enemies, from British and German forces to German, American, German, and American naval forces. The game will also include elements from other World War II games, such as the wargame Ace Combat, the rail shooter Panzer Elite, and the historical role-playing game Avalon.

Secret Weapons Over Normandy is scheduled for release in August.

Secret Weapons Over Normandy

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