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Runaway 2 The Dream Of The Turtle

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Runaway 2 The Dream Of The Turtle was released in 2006, and although the game has performed poorly critically, it did sell over 1 million copies in the US.

Hailing from developer Artificial Mind and Movement, Runaway 2 was released in January 2010 and was praised for its rich storyline, but little did we know that it would ever become a smash hit.

Criticised for being too open-ended, The Dream Of The Turtle took the overall user level high and reached the level of seven.

“We are very proud to have received the game a tremendous amount of recognition,” said Neil Saunders, senior producer of Runaway 2. “We’re very proud to be able to release it, and we hope the consumers will enjoy it.”

The game is now available in the UK and will be available in the USA at the end of May.

Runaway 2 The Dream Of The Turtle

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