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Richman And Richwomen

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Richman And Richwomen of Valiant Comics, that have penned an article called “This Week to Harness They Own Special,” starring Alexandra O’Brien, A.K.A. Pamela Anderson, S.K.A.L.M., and Renee Montoya.

These women, represented by a host of professionals, have one of the most infamously bad taste in music—and we’re delighted to present them to the world.

Richman and Hannah Vajors are now also writing Rich & Rich (opens in new tab), but they have already written and published a short one-shot from back in 2014.

Richman & Rich, once working together on Valiant’s five-issue special, ran for five issues. This month, they’re now working on a separate storyline and story about a wounded Rich character.

Richman & Rich is written by Jeremy Kousin and illustrated by Lee M. Sykes. Rich & Rich are drawn by Bruce Sewell. Rich are both longtime comic book fans, and very happy to provide them with the opportunity to work on the very first issue.

Neil Gaiman, formerly of Image , worked on DD (opens in new tab), a book that ran for one year. He was very lucky to write one of the best series of the year and is well-versed in comics - both in prose and film - in both mediums. He’s brought so much talent to the title and his work on SFX proves his own talents.

SFX panel attendees: What drew you to SFX panel, and who were you bringing to the panel?

Richman & Rich have some top-notch talent here. Sam Raimi was also in the mix - he is one of the few, and he will be at the very end of SFX for the first time - and he’s only six months away from meeting his end. So he’s clearly a great choice for an adaptation.

SFX panelists: What has been your passion in SFX the past few years?

Richman & Rich: The one thing I have always admired about my work is that it’s driven by a desire to get to the page, the full experience.

Richman And Richwomen

SFX panelists: Can you tell us about your favourite parts of the show, and what inspired you to start working on it?

Richman & Rich: You have to be in a room full of coasters and veterans. I love the idea of putting together a long and dangerous movie with the reader - it’s like Moneyball meets Austin Powers - and that’s one of the things that’s been such an influence on me.

SFX panelists: What is your favorite moment in that story?

Richman & Rich: It’s an utter sight to behold. I love the pain and fear that happens within a solitary room. I think the kids enjoy the dream. I know this show is about friendships. I am also very proud of what it achieves.

SFX panelists: Can you tell us how it came to be?

Richman & Rich: Well, this isn’t a coincidence! Our amazing crew at ABC wanted to capture the joy of a happy married couple. It’s an intimate moment in our life.

SFX panelists: What’s the most exciting thing that you did when you were younger?

Richman & Rich: I couldn’t believe how many of us got together, so we decided to film our lovely local movie theater in our cinemas to entertain everybody.

SFX panelists: How was the filming process, and was it a massive effort?

Richman & Rich: We worked together on a $50,000 screenplay, and we loved it. We are confident that we’re going to become a worldwide success.

SFX panelists: What was your love story with this film, and what did you think of it?

Richman & Rich: We played with a lot of ideas and referenced the concepts we had at our desk for this film, and we didn’t want to go back to them.

SFX panelists: What were the biggest differences between the look and feel of this film?

Richman & Rich: I don’t think we thought we had a game-inspired, high-concept horror movie. It’s more what we’re trying to evoke. It’s certainly better to make a horror film than, say, Halloween or something like that.

SFX panelists: The practical effects are done, but they’re used sparingly.

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