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PETZ HORSEZ 2 is back and it’s going to be a heck of a lot better than its predecessor.

Don’t get me wrong, I love the game and enjoy the story. But having played a ton of it, I find the gameplay more frustrating than fun. It’s not perfect, the controls are finicky and I wish the open world was less linear.

I think a good idea is to make use of the time you spend in each town to see how far you can go. The time you spend in each town is going to be over 1 hour, so having a day to spend on building your town is really important. I was hoping that this would be more involved in exploring the countryside, having a grand entrance or opening up new areas for I to visit.

Unfortunately, the last game was a little more mediocre. Perhaps it’s because of the tighter gameplay, but a lot of the stuff I enjoyed the most was already there.

@Alex64 I’ve played as many as I can, so I can’t say that I’ve gone back to the gameplay. The story is probably what I enjoyed the most, but the gameplay and level design just are not fun to me.

@KindofaBigDeal Not actually.

I haven’t played through this yet but I do enjoy the slow and steady pacing of the town. Its relaxing, relaxing, and challenging to walk through at the same time.

I can still see myself replaying this in 3-4 months, although I think I’m better off going back to Story Mode to see what I was doing.

The second game feels like it could've been better.


I only played the first two, but I loved it. Really enjoyed that and fell in love with how much charm it shows and how far I’ve come.

I've been playing every 2 or 3 months now and really enjoyed the world. Still very enjoying the art direction, atmosphere, character design, and the soundtrack.

Not necessarily the best from any region. I’m also quite enjoying getting through some of the puzzles and the platforming. The puzzles are a bit different and won't be for everyone, but I’m enjoying it a lot, especially when you have the chance to explore different areas.

@johnvboy I can't say they've taken any risk in this decision, as they are always going to hit a wall. Not to mention having had the opportunity to direct people to improve. As far as the storytelling, they are mostly awful. Hopefully if the developers won't go that far and make the game better than the first, then I'm happy with the finished product.

@johnvboy who's expecting a serious response when you meet him? He's looking for the dude with the red hair as his best friend. The mystery is solved when you meet him, however he is more than willing to assist you in your journey. I'm also a huge fan of the cast from Fire Emblem and the original Famicom.

@Yosher It's really amazing that the indie game scene has a greater reach and a more substantial reach with modern gaming, and this is very encouraging. The development team will make more noise about what the platforms are going to do and what they have planned for the future, then they can release their games. If I had to guess, I wouldn't say there will be more indie games, but I think it would be fair to say that the platforms are just starting to go back to their roots and into the small screen, with my brother from the Wii U saying he wants to be part of the platform, and then there are the indie games coming to Switch that have the capability and scale of Super Meat Boy on their platforms, as well as I am all in the same boat with Switch and PC versions of Rust.

@Mario500 You are not the only one on this list, the fact that Nintendo has partnered with Xbox and PlayStation as well as their own devs and publishers to bring their games to Switch is another reason why you are not here. There are people who have played a certain indie game that is quite similar, and still prefer the style of gameplay that they have come to love. Just as your first Steam game is like “Nier,” so does it always come to Switch?


@Savage_Joe you are looking at 3 versions of all platforms: PS5, PS4, and PC, no mention of a PC version, only Xbox Series X/S and Switch.


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