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Okiraku Ping Pong

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Okiraku Ping Pong is a game not for the faint of heart, however, it is a game that offers a perfect combination of a game for one that plays with some of the most popular Japanese players. The story in this game is based on a Japanese TV drama, set on the 100th. The players play as members of the team, such as Riki, Kuro, and Rin, on a game of Ping Pong in the hope that they win the game.

Players will be challenged by all sorts of people, including famous Japanese players, so gamers will have to make a note of the words in the game and tell their opponents to guess the name of their team before it all goes off and becomes a game of Ping Pong.

Okiraku Ping Pong

For more information on this game, please visit the official Okiraku site.

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