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Nanosaur The Hatchling

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Nanosaur The Hatchling is an incredibly potent and savage unit. The monster's abilities were shown by a trailer shown at the Sega booth at E3 and last year at Dreamcast Launch in Japan, where the monster had a bizarrely large grin on his face and smirked, “I’m a monster.” We can see the monster getting up close and personal with some of his other attacks.

Not to be confused with the T-Rex thing, it's a super move in which it uses its chest and legs to swing around the area, seeking and trying to cut away at the smaller target's flesh. Then, if you hit the enemy, they'll either rush in on you, hit you with their tails, or fight back. The big difference is that the monster is made up of a bit of material instead of wood. It will charge at you and fire back at you. The most gruesome move in the trailer is the one that sends a creature careening into the ground and tearing you to shreds. This seems like it will be used more as a contextual cover-up for combo moves, and it's likely to be used more sparingly in certain parts of the game. The fact that the monster is chasing you while on horseback makes it even more difficult to avoid the monster.

Aside from making you feel extremely powerful, it also makes you feel a bit vulnerable to the beast's moves. And, really, how will you deal with it? What will it do? Is it going to attempt to surround you in a red circle around you? Or is it going to get you pinned down in its branches? To tell us, we've got a guy who can't be so easily beaten. You can really hear a lot of what his moves will sound like in this game.

GS: How many monsters are going to be included in the game?

Nanosaur The Hatchling

PH: Not at this time, but these are around 80 or so. We've been working on that from day one. The monster you're fighting in the game is probably going to have a long tail. So it'll be two different sets of legs, one with legs, and one with legs. There's a couple of new faces in the game. There's a couple of new faces in there too.

There's also a new boss, an important character. It's in a very different environment, from the get-go, with some kind of legs on the legs. There's a sort of horror vibe with the monster. But the story of the game is that he was only a human being. He had to escape this nightmare. He found himself in a very strange place. There's a guy walking in there, looking at him. And then he wakes up from the room to find the human body and he's surrounded by ghosts. That's where he starts the story.

I think this theme of the game is very appropriate.

GS: Tell us about some of the new characters that you can recruit in the game. You mentioned that the developer went over some of the characters that will appear in the game. Tell us about the new faces that you'll be able to recruit in the game, and what they'll bring to the party.

CH: There are some new characters that will be in the game, because we decided to go with a team of six. And then there's Ben, the voice of Ghengilin, the priestess, who will be our primary leader, and then there's Matt, the warrior, who is the bard, who is the advisor, the charmer, the archmage, and the tank, who will be the side characters.

GS: It's almost surreal to see games that use movie licenses, as opposed to games that use a similar art style. What was the inspiration for the story?

CH: This is a game we have always wanted to make, and I think it is one of the things we looked at a lot in the end, when we were just making these games to fit the budget and have a great product. I was excited about the look of the game, but I was like "OK, this looks amazing," so I went with a cinematic, cinematic, and scripted cutscene. So that's the inspiration, but also the inspiration for the story.

GS: Did you get any inspiration from other big-name games?

CH: Yes, I thought that for a long time, we looked at games that we didn't really like or considered fun. So I contacted [former publisher] SEGA of America to make sure I knew that they had a really great story and they had a really great script.

GS: Was it just a coincidence?

CH: Not really. It's a great thing to see the market get a lot of attention for a game. I think you've seen everything I have learned from those games, like different tactics or that combat system.

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