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Karaoke Revolution Presents American Idol Encore

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Karaoke Revolution Presents American Idol Encore will be releasing for the Nintendo DS in Europe on May 20th.

Karaoke Revolution Presents American Idol Encore

The game was originally released in Japan on November 11th and was followed by a North American release on March 25th. The game is also set to feature voice acting from professional actors in the game.

The game will also feature two new modes of play: Karaoke Revolution's Practice and Face Match. In Practice Mode, you can practice the actual routines as you might expect and the game is full of familiar Japanese songs such as “Good Time, Cry Wolf, Down Out Boy, Cheap Trick, Harden Down, and Wayward Tide.”

The game will also feature the option to create and save up to three characters in the game’s database.

The game will be released in the US on May 20th and will cost 500 DSi Points.

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