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Judge Dredd Dredd Vs Death

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Judge Dredd Dredd Vs Death is one of those comic book trilogies that has too much legal wranglings to make it onto a UK release schedule.

With only one film planned for 2012, the saga’s already begun. Dredd is also in limbo at the moment, with all the current rights holders, having now bought the rights to the comic rights.

And that’s a shame, since Deathlok is still one of the best-loved comic book movies of all time. Check out the Watchmen trailer below:


So what exactly can Dredd Vs Death do with the Dredd name? Well, you see, the world of Marvel’s Judge Dredd is an anti-hero, a force of evil, with a wish to ‘bring us justice’. The comic-book movie that started it all was met with much critical and commercial acclaim upon release, though there were plenty of critics who felt that it didn’t quite hit the mark as a contemporary style of comic book movie.

In particular, reviewers were hit with praise for the script, and director/writer Brad Bird (who brought both the Dredd comic books and Judge Dredd to life on screen ) told us: “I definitely enjoyed the story. It was a monster movie, it was fun. It had characters who were fun to play with. It felt like a kind of hybrid of those elements. I was genuinely excited for this film.”

Dredd Vs Death was released in 2011, and this movie made sense – the bad guys in the comics were mutants (Joss Whedon’s version of the original comic-book team of the character was a rogue clone), and now he’s back to making a comeback with a CGI-drenched version of the comic book characters, which might have been the best move. The character in the movie was created by Scott Derrickson, and was created by comic book writer/director Joe Carnahan, who has worked on action-comedy movies such as The Iron Man and The Walking Dead .

Although, the movie couldn’t quite keep up with the character in the comics, Carnahan has a personal favorite: the Death villain, who has made it his mission to destroy the city. He is not the perfect villain. In fact, the character is so clichey, there’s a fair amount of laugh out loud scenes and moments, too, and it’s so funny. He is one of the most interesting comic book characters ever, and we had a lot of fun making him.

The same goes for the other K-9 Transformers movie, which was created by Michael Bay. But unfortunately, it didn’t live up to the film or the comic book series, and the character didn’t live up to the fact that he was used to destroying the city.

There was also a ton of talk about the possibility of a sequel to Transformers , and Michael Bay simply couldn’t resist turning the script on in a way that fit the bill. You could say that we’re excited to see where the franchise goes next, but in terms of possibility, what could they be planning for it?

What the “third film” could be, though, is a prequel. They’ve already mapped out their own storyline for that and showed how they’d wanted to set up a sequel, so who knows what the next film might be.

They’ve already finished developing the Transformers movies, but it’s unlikely they’ll start working on a third movie any time soon.

What would you like to see them make?

There are so many big ideas that would be fun to work with, from doing characters in the larger story to figuring out how to exploit the world’s technology to helping guide the AUTOBOTS into attack.

Would you be interested in revisiting the character of Optimus Prime?

We’d love to see him appear in a Transformers 4, but whether or not he’d be around for that would depend on what side he’s on. The Prime series ended with the Autobots taking over Earth and escaping from the Decepticons.

Would you like to see him star in a Transformers 4?

I would definitely love to see him star in a fourth film, but he’d need to sign a deal with Paramount for a fourth film if it’s ever to happen. He would be a huge part of the story of a new Caped Crusader.

Would you like to see him get his own movie?

Judge Dredd Dredd Vs Death

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