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James Bond 007 NightFire

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James Bond 007 NightFire is the first first Bond game to feature a live-action TV series starring Sean Connery. Developer Impressions representatives had only previously confirmed that NightFire would be released in North America in November. The demo levels will take place between the beginning and end of the series, and they will be set in an island prison called Coldridge.

Although the game will only feature the likenesses of Roger Moore and Pierce Brosnan, the likenesses of actors from the film and TV shows of James Bond will also be present. The demo levels that we saw were distinctly similar to the ones in NightFire. It didn't feature any of the characters from the movie, but the guns and environment was impressively recreated.

The level that we saw took place on the Soviet Arctic base, and it featured a series of impressive lighting effects. We're told that NightFire is due out on the PlayStation later this year.

James Bond 007 NightFire

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