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HongLouMeng, a subdivision of Hong Kong-based popular online game platform GoDaddy, announced on Friday that it has launched a fund dedicated to supporting Hong Kong's Littanians and Hot Monkeys. HongLouMeng's goal is to provide "a convenient and beneficial commercial solution to undersea, capital, and other entities operating in Hong Kong and Singapore."

HongLouMeng has managed to create an IP-based user interface for its GoDaddy games for consumers in China, according to a press release. The company currently provides global customer service support to Hong Kong-based servers as well as contracting a joint US Littanian Foundation - a larger global team of Chinese companies that has about 25 members.

HongLouMeng has announced that it will be taking applications from Singapore-based Chinese game companies including Shiro Games, A3D Systems, Demyx, O2, Tencent, Arrowhead Interactive, and Emmarc, among others.


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