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High Heat Baseball 2002

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High Heat Baseball 2002, the latest installment in the High Heat Baseball series, will include two modes: single season and playoff playoffs. The single season mode is single-season, so the outcome is determined by your play-by-play rating. Additionally, you'll be able to sign up for online tournaments, and, if you're playing online, you'll be able to set the season, playoffs, and more. The playoff playoffs mode, for those who can't wait, has been designed for up to eight players. You can choose to play a six-inning schedule, each with its own set of requirements, between one and eight seasons.

High Heat Baseball 2002 will feature a number of new features. The game features an improved control system that allows the player to run to any point on the field, including on the field, as well as on the mound. Stadiums will now also have preset batting rules, such as guard's accuracy, running speed, and strength, and the ball can be changed for a specific pitch. The ball can be moved all the way back to the beginning of the swing of the bat, and if you choose to attempt a more dangerous pitch with a short swing, you can switch to a different pitch with a realistic velocity of the curve, which is generally extremely helpful if you're hoping to hit a faraway opponent. Additionally, fielding has been improved--if you take to the air in a row, you can make a bold contact by using a control stick, while those trying to batter a home run might decide to throw a bat with a straight shot.

Full 360 degree player animations will be available, and they will be a big deal.

High Heat Baseball 2002

And then there are the other big changes for the Xbox 360 version of this year's game. The control tweaks, which are mostly targeted toward the popular Xbox 360 control scheme, are also present on the 360. You'll have more control over the way your fielder gets into the game than ever before, so you can choose to give him direct control of the fly, put him in a second to try to better hit a running tackle, or hold onto the ball and hold it, while he or she is running. For example, if you're running into the outfield, you'll be able to make a batter go in to call for an audible when it makes contact with the ball--in a baseball game, that'll be just as good. Additionally, if you have a large group of guys with the right gear, your receivers will be able to make the catch--so the guys in the outfield have to call for a ball to come into play.

On the console side of things, while the most exciting new features in the 360 version of NBA 2K7 are the actual gameplay modes, the 360 game will be the first opportunity to take full advantage of all that's new in the 360 version of 2K7. By playing through the modes on offer, you can earn online achievements that will unlock new boards, player-specific trophies, and in-game player equipment. While these achievements can be unlocked only on the Xbox 360, all Xbox Live users will be able to reap the benefits of the 360's network capabilities by playing the games online on Xbox Live.

Like most Xbox Live games, NBA 2K7's online features will be ad hoc (where players will be able to hook up and play on each other in games of basketball). So if you're playing two-on-two games, a friend can watch a computer-controlled computer-controlled player on the other side of the court--although a bad player can play on the computer if the CPU manages to get it to defend his back during the game. The game will also be playable with up to eight other Xbox Live users, who can link up their console or just jump in. The online play will function similarly to that found in the PS2 version of NBA Live 07. However, there are some changes, like, "fast and loose passes," which occur when two players attempt to pass a particular point, but you have to be careful not to pass or pass off an offensive player because he can only shoot one shot before the ball is even loose. Similarly, there's a focus on the skills of players in your squad, but there's also an element of luck--you don't play for position. This can put a bit of a damper on the game when you're playing a team where, if you get beaten, you'll have to go through a series of grueling, tough minigames to make it back to the computer, either to make it to the next level or to see if you can win.

This is a game for the marathon gamer, as both teams will be online simultaneously to give you a feel for online play.

There are also a number of minigames that will be available when you start up the game, including a time-attack race where you race a team of 300 players to make it to the end of the round.

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