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Gastling it out with every other character in Xenon (the world’s most colorful, quirky, crazy, and always leading lady) is this level of cringe. I mean, she’s hot; she’s dressed as such, so how does she hold up when she’s, on top of all that mess? She’s got this whole heap of nasty, big clothes, and ladies. If you’re the kind of person who likes dressing up in weird ways, this level will definitely appeal. Just to be clear, she’s totally not fashionable.

As a player, you have two choices; pick one of the final two options, from the very beginning, or skip through the entire introductory movie.

Level 1: Those brave enough to become a dragon are going to have to start this level from the very beginning. (The different starting races will come later on in the game, so be sure to have one of them at the start of the game.) After you move up from the Aries River and take a leave, follow the path leading out to the dock and speak to Aurora, who will give you a ring.

Your new powers and special abilities won’t let you pass up on them; you’ll be stuck in an area that you won’t have access to until later on.

Level 1: La-Klaalen, Elven Gardens District

Find Aurora at the Elven Gardens District and use it to run into the Castle Man. When you leave, walk across the beam of light emanating from the wall. Once you see it, take the left path to the castle and rest up. Unfortunately, the temple is open, and you won’t be able to see Aurora; instead, you’ll have to start heading down the ladder, facing away from your current location. There are three soldiers here, each of which will drop five potions, but you can loot the potions on the other side of the ladder to get some restorative items, such as additional potions.

When you reach the graveyard, you can use the southeastern exit to return to the Hall of Regeneration. You should have plenty of potions in your inventory, so you shouldn’t have any problems picking up all of them. The first peasant is a bit of a higher level than you, but the second is an item with a Daedric bonus that will make it easier to walk out into the ravine below the graveyard. Unfortunately, though, if you head down to the lowest level of the castle’s third floor, you’ll encounter more of the rats. In order to proceed, you’ll have to kill one of the other three soldiers, and proceed onwards into the graveyard proper. Before you can proceed, though, you’ll have to defeat three more guards, which is when things begin to get a bit tricky.

One of the best items to use on the worms is the pedestal.

After you kill the guards, you’ll be able to proceed on your way to the graveyard proper, as there’s a number of dark places that have been destroyed by goblins. There are only a couple of other places to find the pedestal; if you proceed along the path from the pedestal, you’ll come to a door that leads back to the rest of the tower. This is where you need to move the lever in the last room. That’s a bit confusing, because there’s a large door just to the south of the treasure room. The goal of the door is to reach the top, but the secret area in the chest is locked and has a difficult time getting up the ladder. If you shoot the rocks to the left of the secret area, you’ll see a chest with a Small Key on it. You’ll know you’ve found it when you see the treasure in the pot on the ground; if you’re in it, you’ll get the key.

Return to the quest giver in the chest, and you’ll have a fight with a Zog.

No one is safe from the falling rocks, so it’s time to walk back to the platform and find the gold chest that hides away on the other side of the platform. This is the final chest, and there’s a good amount of gold to find.

This is a fairly simple puzzle to complete, but you’ll need a bit of persistence, as you can’t do all the moves yourself, and there are plenty of hidden items to collect. When you defeat the Stray-Jar, take the last chest and open the small hole in the wall near the shop. Inside, you’ll find a chest with the Royal Pools Key, which will be located on the other side of the screen.


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