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Frogger Beyond

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Frogger Beyond Death, as the words on the new Frogger (and another sequel) point to Apple's plan to release the PS2, Game Boy Advance and Xbox versions of Frogger 2. The original Frogger, as we know, was a massive hit that still looks to be worth a look on the small screen, but even those who haven't played the original game are bound to find that the extra features and controls of the newer version make the old game a little easier to get into.

Frogger Beyond

Sierra decided to take a little more time to make the Frogger franchise even more palatable to consumers. Although the new Frogger doesn't feature any new gameplay mechanics, it does retain the original story and a new character, Prince Frogger. He joins the player in the search for Frogger, and he'll have to contend with pesky monsters who have escaped from the hexagonal field of time. In this way, Frogger 2 is similar to the original game, but you still have more Frogger than you can shake a stick at.

The Game Boy Advance version of Frogger 2 is currently scheduled to release on April 12. The GBA version, released earlier this year, includes the two new levels from the console version. There are also three new gameplay modes, including two-player mode, a two-player mode, and an auto-scrolling mode that looks to offer more than a dozen levels.

While the PlayStation version of Frogger 2 features all the gameplay and graphics, it includes two extra modes, a power-up item, and a multiplayer mode. The first mode is the same as the PlayStation version, but the two-player mode puts you in control of Frogger and attempts to beat your buddies. The power-up is split into three different categories: boomerang attack, robot, and racer. The boomerang attack is basically a run-and-gun game where Frogger is the hero. He uses a short-range shotgun and his special abilities, which require you to charge your rocket meter in order to do extra damage. The robot punch lets you daze enemies that are within striking distance. The racing mode is a variation on the platforming level, where you are required to collect power-ups and participate in races. The race is for Frogger fans who have played through the original arcade games, although it's not as original as the events in Frogger 2.

The most notable feature of the game is the music. Though there isn't a huge amount of game music in the game, it's fantastic to hear all the songs available and hear a sense of style and charm that we found very natural. The race is fairly lengthy, as it takes you from level to level and then adds up to a few minutes of variety. There is a co-op mode where you and your friends can work together to beat a tough-as-nails-like obstacle course. The race mode features five worlds. Each world consists of five levels and contains multiple obstacles to dodge and hazards to avoid. The stage times for each world are posted in the rankings section, which is divided up into specific levels. The ranking in the rankings section includes normal and special levels, which come in levels that can only be completed once you've completed the game. While these levels may seem fairly standard, they feature some nice touches such as some dynamic camera angles and various obstacles that you need to avoid to progress. The game does not have a menu, but it does offer you a number of shortcuts for you to take advantage of in the racing mode.

The game's control is responsive and makes handling a bit more forgiving. The main control setup is fairly simple: You move with the analog stick, press the circle button, and A to jump. The left analog stick zooms the camera in and out for steering, and pressing the circle button makes you turn. The L button lets you pass through gates, making it easier to hit switches and hold ledges, but it's a little difficult to use due to the quick nature of the controls. The L button lets you avoid being caught up in traffic, which makes up a portion of the game's driving model. The square button lets you steal a car's battery pack or repair it. Finally, the Y button lets you steal a car's nitrous oxide.

The visuals in the game are comparable to those found in other racers, but they don't come out of this world with nearly the same level of detail. The cities are detailed, and the environments feature an impressive level of detail. You'll find all sorts of urban areas to explore. You'll see a variety of subtle touches, such as trees swaying in the wind. The little touches add to the overall look of the city, which, although very generic, is a good look for a racer with a solid core. The unique touches extend the experience. The rain effects add a nice level of polish and provide a nice level of variety.

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