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Combat Jet Trainer

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Combat Jet Trainer is currently being developed for the Nintendo 64 by Rare, and it will be published by Microsoft for the US$69.99 price point. The flight simulation lets players try out 30 different types of aircraft. The game's interface lets players design their aircraft using a number of different aircraft. The aircraft can be built with spare parts, weapons, engines, and upgrades.

The game includes a variety of missions that can be played at various different mission locations. Players must do their best to take down enemy fighters, such as jets, APCs, battle jets, antiaircraft guns, land-and-sea battleships, and secret installations. They must try and get their aircraft back to their original parts, and they must then fight through a series of scenarios.

Combat Jet Trainer

The game will include a wide range of missions with multiple solutions to each of the different scenarios. Combat Jet Trainer will be released in Japan in July.

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