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Cabelas 4x4 Off-Road Adventure

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Cabelas 4x4 Off-Road Adventure is based on the same game engine from Activision and Ubisoft, and is the latest in the Deer Hunter series, though it's definitely taking advantage of the Amped engine's considerable capabilities. In case you haven't seen it already, Off-Road Adventure is an arcade-style driving game with a decidedly Hollywood-style visual style. The game features three modes of play: Story mode, which includes eight different campaigns, as well as two unique maps for each mode. The story mode consists of a small park with a variety of missions.

Cabelas 4x4 Off-Road Adventure

The four levels are: beach, bridge, laboratory, and train, and they all involve playing as the stereotypical California locales, from playing rap battles in a wardrobe to lawn mowers. Each of the three levels features a different theme, including sports tracks, fairground and even indoor play. While the game's premise seems to have a goofy, over-the-top feel to it, it still manages to mix together nicely with the overall feel of the gameplay.

You'll find two game modes in the game. Story mode will be the same as Story mode. The game's story mode will span seven different missions that will be set in different locales from the movie. The first set of missions, called "stand-alone" missions, will let you play as two different American characters--Michael Scott, played by Josh Brolin, and Dante Alighieri. The second set of missions will be a two-player mission set in a wrestling ring and will be set up in a small arena near your starting point. As the game's name suggests, these missions will challenge you to complete timed missions. While playing as Michael Scott, you'll be able to unlock an arsenal of wrestling moves that will come in handy for those who find themselves in a situation where their super meter is full.

Your goal in each mission will be to successfully complete the goals that you're given. You'll find the standard set of objectives to accomplish, but you'll also be expected to keep track of your health, so it's your job to keep your health up as much as possible. Once you've managed to accomplish your goals, you'll move on to the next set of missions, which will pit you against an assortment of enemies. The missions we've seen so far will be quite challenging, although they will also include some twists in the gameplay, which we'll touch on later.

The combat in Fight Night 2004 features some interesting additions to its gameplay, as the game's advanced artificial intelligence is attempting to dynamically adjust based on the situation. Your opponents will make good use of the different moves that you'll be facing and will react accordingly. So if you find yourself in a situation where you've got to do a quick attack to turn the tables, you'll be able to use the AI to help you get out of the way of an incoming attack. In addition, the game will feature a tactical map that will let you check out your surroundings when you enter a fight. The cool thing about the tactical map is that you'll be able to issue orders to your units during a battle. You'll see key areas of interest such as health and enemy position, along with soldiers in the surrounding area. While you can issue these orders in standard RPG fashion, the game will also feature the option to make your units attack enemies on the field and attack other units. For example, if you've got your troops blocking the door of a battle, you can issue them an order by simply calling for them to get up and running.

The combat in the game is more than just basic turn-based action. It will be a tactical battle in the field that's reminiscent of a strategy game, with both your soldiers and your enemy's units. Each unit will have its own health meter, so if your soldiers have hit certain beats or go down, the enemy's health will deplete. Fortunately, the game will include a standard health bar that will slowly deplete until you can use it again, although you'll find that you can use it sparingly as you're under-leveled. The game's grid-based system gives you the freedom to rotate the battle field and even the position of all your troops to make it easier to attack enemies. You'll also be able to set the units' colors by placing various colored squares on the grid. And the game's resource system lets you take a page from Dark Messiah of Might & Magic to equip your soldiers with specific items and abilities. One example we saw was a bar that let us perform a limited time-filling attack by rapidly moving the cursor over the selected area.

The game's first mission set us in the training grounds of an oil derrick. In the next mission, our objective was to infiltrate a communications facility and take out a couple of guards before we could complete our objective.

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