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Blazing Angels 2 Secret Missions

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Blazing Angels 2 Secret Missions is an upgrade to the Secret Missions expansion pack released last summer. The Secret Missions add-on pack adds more missions, additional items, a variety of new weapons, and more playable characters.

Players can now play as Eric Zachary, an Apache pilot who leads his comrades into an illegal paranormal conflict. There are also new scenarios where Eric has to fight off a crime syndicate. The Secret Missions add-on also introduces two new mercenaries, Sergeant Ben Caldwell and Dr. Alice Gasper, who joins Eric's team. Players must follow a series of mysterious events and try to find out the truth about these groups.

Blazing Angels 2 Secret Missions

The Secret Missions add-on will be released for the Xbox, PC, and Game Boy Advance on November 22.

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