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Bad Boys 2

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Bad Boys 2 has snuck in a little extra publicity in order to add extra footage to its already huge cast – including Nicholas Hoult and Elizabeth Banks, plus Dwayne Johnson.

To promote the flick, the likes of Patrick Wilson, Jesse Eisenberg and Shia LaBeouf have been in talks for a role.

They'll be joined by Chris Hemsworth ( Iron Man 2 ) and Darren Aronofsky, who will play villainous clones of the movie's titular CIA agent, respectively.

Bad Boys 2

As a shortlist of super villains have been revealed, they include M (Aaron Taylor-Johnson), Jack Black ( Cap ) and the Russian mercenary Casino Royale (Jasmine Millers).

The movie has also just wrapped filming, and arrives in cinemas in the UK this March.

Think we'll get any more footage of Bad Boys 2 ? Drop us a comment!

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