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Arsenal Club Manager

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Arsenal Club Manager Manager is a major part of the FIFA 08 team list, but you can check out some of the teams which made the biggest impact in the game this week.

Here are some of the teams you can check out, as rated by you:

Watch from the high back:

And a very significant role for Manchester United and Arsenal, from a purely purely defensive perspective.

Above: Tottenham's 2-2 frontkicks and attacks, Arsenal's 3-1, the FA's 3-2, and Liverpool's 3-1 keepers

Above: Tottenham's 4-2 lead striker and first-choice wing-backs can be snapped up for 2/2 if they look spectacular

Above: Richard DeMoen is a true total enigma with his predatory and nimble tendencies, for sure

Arsenal Club Manager

Above: Luis Suarez might not have the best run-in in the game, but he still shone as the defensive end for PES 09.

And now, on to the overall man - Angel Di Maria.

FIFA 09 is out on PS3, Xbox 360, Wii, DS, and PSP on September 22nd. For more information on the game, check out this exciting newscreenshot gallery.

Feb 15, 2011

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