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Amiga ClassiX 4

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Amiga ClassiX 4X AGiX is an enhanced version of the original Amiga system, which was released in 1996. The new AGiX systems are based on two new motherboard board architectures - STS 3.5/Minolta 6 or AGP 4x.5/Minolta 6. The new boards boast six-channel 5.1 audio and an 800MHz CPU.

In the new boards, the Asus X7800, LG8100, NEC 550, and G4 Series are getting a BIOS update.

Many Amiga boards now support the AGiX 4x standard, such as the STS 2500, G43, G4200, NEC 550, and G4 Series.

Amiga ClassiX 4

Amiga is aiming to release the boards by the end of October 2000, though the new boards will only be available through Windows 95/98.

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