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2004 Star Majiiang

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2004 Star Majiiang is a tough little arcade game, which has proven difficult to bring to the living room for a lot of gamers who just love an Atari 2600 and need some PC fix.

You'll be able to run the game using most of the system's RAM and texture cards, which comes in at 8MB and we've found a multitasker setup to work well with both modern graphics cards and high-end PC hardware. The game's simple control system is kept intact, but it adds in other enhancements that will make the game far more enjoyable. In addition to the usual single-player modes, the game will also have a "linear" mode that will let you play through the game with an extra two players. The game also features multiplayer, where you can choose to either control a single soldier or four players, and the game features eight-player support. Majiiang is expected to ship this summer.

2004 Star Majiiang

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