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Police Tactics: Imperio

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Police Tactics: Imperio was revealed this week at this year's E3. As the name implies, the game puts players in the shoes of a SWAT member who is using the virus to take down a rival police force that has been knocking around the city in the hope of breaking free of the police force's codes. After facing a large number of opponents in the game's intense missions, the player can actually choose to join the team as a stealth or offensive character and work for it, or work with the other team members to take out specific suspects. This gives players a lot of freedom to take out enemies before they kill them and is the best part of the game.

Police Tactics: Imperio features six levels of difficulty and some pretty big, challenging locations. Players will need to get to their destination before a boss character will come after them, and they'll have to enter the area before it can trigger the game's challenge mode. Even then, though, each level can be taken on at a different pace. For example, during the first level, players can use the police to sneak past patrolling guards and there's a long courting scene. Some of the best moments in the game happen when players find themselves behind a heavy machine gun emplacement on the side of the car, and it's amazing to see how well it works.

Police Tactics: Imperio

The LEGO games have always been good at letting players create whatever their hearts desire, and that's still true for LEGO City Undercover. The majority of the levels in the game allow players to create their own superhero or supervillain, and the levels themselves are pretty impressive. There are a few fun little sequences in the game that are well worth completing, such as players freeing prisoners and players sneaking through the sewers to rescue civilians. It's a good demonstration of just how versatile the various gameplay mechanics can be in a LEGO game.

The graphics of LEGO City Undercover stand out above most LEGO titles, and the detail that Traveller's Tales put into them really stands out. From the bright lights to the elaborate bricks, there are enough different objects for just about every LEGO game to feel unique. Players can get lost for hours trying to find everything on their own, and seeing all the different pieces from each world on their own is a ton of fun. The animation of all the characters and the buildings is impressive too, with LEGO City Undercover serving as a great demonstration of just how good LEGO games can look when done correctly.

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LEGO City Undercover does a great job of showing off just how much care went into creating every little detail in the game. The textures are also highly detailed, and even the edges of buildings are incredibly detailed. Players get to see the glimmering dunes of the city as the main character walks through the city, and they also get to see many of the buildings from the perspective of a piece of paper. Players will get a nice warm-up time as they're exploring, which makes it so that players can put their attention to just how beautiful the title really is.

LEGO City Undercover really showcases just how much care went into making each of the different levels in the game. LEGO City Undercover is able to give each and every character such detail, and it can get quite easily monotonous. It also goes to show how much care went into every detail of the game's environments. One level featured a huge mountain, with a giant giant statue of a Statue of Liberty falling down from the sky. The buildings and the buildings in LEGO City Undercover really come together to make each player's experience feel so immersive. Players can even climb the Statue of Liberty to get around the city.

LEGO City Undercover also has a lot of side content in the form of mini-games that players can play and go through. While many of these activities can be fairly involved, they can also be quite difficult. There's a wide range of racing and puzzle-solving activities to partake in, so if a player is having trouble with these things, they'll want to hop into the game and try some of the mini-games. The mini-games all provide a nice variety in terms of what they can be expected.

LEGO City Undercover does a great job of including a ton of nods to the previous LEGO Star Wars titles. While players are able to fight a few of the movie's baddies, they'll also find some nods to other films in the series. For example, players can unlock the Princess Leia car, which is the vehicle that Lego Harry Potter fans will recognize from the movie itself.

Players can also unlock a range of LEGO Minifigures as well. LEGO Star Wars has a ton of different and fun collectible characters that players can unlock. The most obvious one is the adorable Minifigures, but players can also unlock costumes based on the three main series Star Wars films.

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