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Heaven's Hope

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Heaven's Hope for the PS2 is the next title in The Big Blue's catalog of PlayStation-to-Dreamcast games. It was originally announced in June of 1999 but was ultimately cancelled in 2001. By March of 2002, the game was still in development.

Heaven's Hope

Not only is The Big Blue a sci-fi-themed game, it's also a Dreamcast game, one with a sci-fi theme. Players control a character named The Fisherman, who is searching for his lost friend and his father. The story is told through two-minute cutscenes, and your character's gameplay focuses on a number of aspects. For example, players are able to control The Fisherman's fighting style, and The Fisherman can use weapons such as lasers and torpedoes to kill his enemies. There are also several levels that use the water element.

Currently, The Big Blue is scheduled for release on December 2, 2002.

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