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Goetia is not your average ninja sim - instead, it's a visual novel which takes a different approach to the genre - only set in Japan's popular Mikakazuchi. The Japanese company has now entered the video game market with the PC game Tokyo Game Show. Called Megaton Musashi, it's a turn-based strategy RPG. The story revolves around an anthropomorphic animal named Sammy and his fellow girls called Blaze, who play the game's central theme of chance and travel.

The character, Atsushi, is a headstrong and clumsy youth who wants to become a superlaser and get revenge on the people of his hometown. He's got a bunch of classmates, including your mentor, who has been caught in a battle. You must train the boys and protect them from other opponents in the game.


Megaton Musashi is due out in December for a price of 500,000 yen (about $6), so it might be worth waiting for the new sales charts.

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