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Deadbolt, the new game from Rebellion, takes the single-player mode from Rebellion's Command & Conquer and puts it into an FPS action format. You'll play as a mercenary named Billy West and help him rise through the ranks of the resistance fighting against the Global Defense Force. The goal is to save Hawkins, the most popular mercenary of all. But he's not the only one that has an influence on the city and its people. The cast includes Ron Perlman, Jon Voight, Adam Schiff, Zachary Levi, and Robert Brooks. We caught up with the Deadbolt designers to find out what each of them has to say about the game.

GameSpot: Can you give us an update on the game?

ZH: Deadbolt is a brand-new game in the Serious Sam series that puts you in the shoes of an agent who must discover who killed his dad. Players will get to assume control of Sam and use the Unreal Engine 3 to create their own FPS levels, which are fully destructible environments.

GS: What can you tell us about the game's story?

ZH: The story revolves around Sam and his task to recover the relic of a dead god from the dead. He discovers that someone else has escaped and needs to discover what happened before he's too late to save the world.

GS: How much involvement does the gameplay have in the game?

ZH: A great part of the fun of Serious Sam is the freedom you get from one set of levels to the next, since there are so many new environments. The developers have done an excellent job with the player's freedom, because it gives them the ability to shoot almost any angle you can think of, making them both very unique and a lot of fun to play.


GS: Will the multiplayer portions of the game be the same as those in Serious Sam: The Second Encounter?

ZH: It's a much better experience to play online with other human players than you would in single-player.

GS: We understand that the game will have three different difficulty levels, but what about the single-player campaign?

ZH: We're working on it, so in addition to that, it's designed to offer a very engaging single-player experience. In fact, as you'll see, it offers multiple, distinct experiences that you don't see in other shooters.

GS: How will the game play? We understand that all the enemies will be back and will be more lethal than ever before.

ZH: The game's storyline will be similar to that in the first game. It will focus on the success of the Normandy invasion of Normandy, but you won't be seeing as many explosions and explosions. We have added two completely different enemies to the mix that are unique to each of the three factions. This includes new weapons, new targets, and new vehicles. This will not only offer a replay value, but it will also make it more challenging to play the campaign with all the new challenges that come with the Normandy.

GS: Tell us about the game's single-player campaign and the relationships that will be included in it. We know that you'll play as a US Navy Ranger who has lost his memory after the destruction of his hometown of Kamalet. Will we see a backstory detailing the mission with both characters? What are their motivations, and how does they fit into the story?

CK: One of the main themes of the game is loss and death. This was a major theme of the first game and the second. We wanted to make sure that, while the events of the game will definitely play out, it will be a part of the story that we will be delivering in the game. One of the key themes of the game is loss, and we will be telling a story that will be completely different from anything you've experienced in the past. The game will take a very different approach than in the past, since you will be playing as a US Navy Ranger who is part of the Navy, and it will be really important to him to ensure that he's on the same page as Captain Price in terms of doing what he does best.

GS: You also explained to us that gameplay will play a part in the story. What are the main motivations behind the player's actions? Are the weapons you'll be using, or will the player's personal weapons and special abilities play a role?

PS: You will have the ability to play as a Navy Ranger on the vast open map of Far Cry 3, and you will have the ability to take out any hostile and noncombatants in the area, such as the Chinese, the Soviet, and the Panhardans. You will even have a squad of US Navy, British SAS, and the Soviet Army. You will be able to have the ability to shoot at vehicles and spot enemies. You will also have the option of turning into a wild boar, which can drive and is also a tool to cause your character to jump in and attack on an enemy vehicle.

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