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CHKNIGHT Randomly I played THE Ghost Rider film - a fantasy that has been untouched by the current DCEU.

Screenwriter of The Dark Knight Rises and The Wonder Twins tells the story of both a rock-hard and tormented prince who joins the forces of the evil Shadow Man to eradicate a sinister threat.

According to Bleeding Cool (opens in new tab), he wrote the script for the film, and this time he’s joined the superhero team at HBO.

He’s joined by Gilly from E! The Extra-Terrestrial , Emily Blunt and Matt Damon, the latter of which is the new director.

When he was 11 years old, he didn’t direct Ghost Rider , but he worked on DC comics and was apparently the man in charge of the second round of True Grit (opens in new tab)…

After years of trying to get the flick made, Blunt and Damon were back together again to help co-writers that brought True Grit to life. Blunt has been directing since 2009, and has received praise for the two stories he’s written.


According to TV Guide (opens in new tab), Blunt has a role in the film, which will be based on the John Leguizamo novel Thousand Leagues Under The Sea by Robert Lawrence, and is due out in 2013.

Blunt was at the helm of this year’s Monster Hunter , but the uncertainty surrounding his character in Rise (opens in new tab) means that he’s not able to do anything with it. Hopefully he’ll find the time and dedication in the directing.

Blunt has been looking to take some light on what’s going on with the Twilight series, after all, so there’s plenty of work on the script already.

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