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BlazBlue:Chrono Phantasma Extend

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BlazBlue:Chrono Phantasma Extend is coming to Japan, exclusively for the PS2. It's a 4.7-megaser fighting game with three-on-three battle modes. Players control two characters, one of whom is revealed as a girl who's holding a metal sword. In a departure from the standard battle mode, players will be able to change between characters using the up and down-facing D-pad and two buttons. In addition, a new power-up called the moon shield will be available in the game, which can increase the odds of certain attacks.

The game will also offer more modes than the standard battles, including an Arcade mode where a single button is used to perform an action. Players will also be able to go head-to-head against a friend.

BlazBlue:Chrono Phantasma Extend

A US release date has not been announced.

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